Gee Officer Krupke . . .
Well it looks like I am now in more than one Guild Player show. A week or two agao, Jim Leibrecht called and asked if I could do him a favor. Sure! He wanted to know if I was interested in playing Officer Krupke in West Side Story. Why not? I once was in West Side Story as Snowboy but had to drop out when I broke my leg in multiple places ice skating. My second chance to make it big! Actually its a small bit adult part/A character actor. The other adult parts are Doc (Jim Leibrechet), Glad Hand (Sandy Leibrecht) and Detective Shrank (Dave Boland). The rest of the cast are the teenage students from DuBourg, its their spring musical. In case anyone reads this and is interested, it plays April 5-9 at Bishop DuBourg High School.
Also this past week we had our first cast meeting for CATS and I am playing Asparagus or Gus the Theatre Cat. I am really excited about being a part of this cast. A lot of old friends are in it: Kevin Haberberger as Rum Tum Tugger, Stacey Buescher as Victoria, Ellen Reichert and Jim Buck as Rumpleteazer and Mungojerie, Jim Leibrecht as Old Deuteronomy, Adrienne Gleason as Cassandra, Denise Buck as Coricopat, Sandy Leibrecht as Jellylorum, and Teri Diehl as Tantomile; and some of the high school students: Justin Leibrecht as McCavity, Jamison Gilliland as Mistofolees, Jason Kleyfish as Skimbleshanks, Allison Wamser as Bobalurina, Marcy Wiegert as Hysperia, and Maggie Conroy as Sillabub. There are still a few parts to be casted. A rehearsal schedule is still in the works and will probably start up after Easter. The dates for this show are probably July 12-16, again at Bishop DuBourg High School. Joie DeMecurio is the first Guild alumni to direct a Guild show! Time to start learning music and dancing moves.