Sunday, July 09, 2006

All we need now is the audience

All we need now is the audience. I think the show is ready. Well, pretty much ready. There is always a few rough spots to work out and transitions to make crisper and cleaner. But we are at the point where an audience would add the energy and response we need to perform. Gus keeps getting better, I won't say I don't have my moments of going crazy but I want Gus to have his moment and not have to share the spolight with someone else trying to steal his thunder. After all, Gus is the cat at the the theatre door . . . and that moment of mystery when I made history is such a moving point in the song and the show, I don't want anything or anyone ruining it.
With that said, this is one of the closest casts I have had the privelege to work with. I hope we do keep in touch afterwards and continue having our nights out.


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