Monday, May 08, 2006

My car is paid off!

Today I came home and found a bunch of good news in the mail.
My car is paid off. FINALLY! GMAC sent me the orginal title to my car. It seems like forever that I have been paying it off. Actually 5 years. I'm a Catholic school teacher and we don't get a lot, so I have to spread my payments out. Anyway it is a good feeling to know that I don't have that debt hanging over my head. Now I have the freedom to live the good life! Yeah right! Actually my friend and financial advisor has been keeping his finger on this and I will probably look at disability insurance (just in case). My dad has been disabled since I was a teenager, and for thsoe of you who know me that is a long time, so I grew up with that knowledge that disability can hit at any time and force some financial constraints on a family. Actually I don't want to be a burden to anyone since I am single and living alone.
But not having that car payment once a month will free me up for a few more choices in my life. Maybe a vacation back to Walt Disney World? A trip to Europe? It's been six years since I went to Disneyland Paris, and I have always wanted to tour Italy. Maybe even a cruise? Did someone say a Disney Cruise? (I think I see a pattern here?!)
It would probably be a good idea to sock away some money in the savings for a rainy day. I actually would like to own a house and not have to keep renting. Ahmed is a good landlord and I love where I live and being able to work in the yard and plant my own garden. But having my own place and knowing it is mine would be a good feeling. Besides then I can be more creative with painting the walls and decorating. I see bold colors in my future!
Also I just found out I have been nominated and accepted as one of this year's Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 2005-2006. My biography will be published in the September edition. One of their quotes in the letter to me is: "Your ability and dedication continue to make a significant impact and difference in the lives of your students."
In case you haven't noticed. I don't blog that often, so my next blog will probably be in a month. Until then . . .


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