Saturday, September 30, 2006

Way to go Cardinals

The St. Louis Cardinals won their game last night!
I had free tickets to the game and invited my buddy Dustin to go. He is always being dragged to theatre productions his wife or her friends (which I am one) are in. So I thought it would be fun to do a guy thing one night. Even though we didn't sit around drinking beeer, smoking cigars, and spitting on the people below us (that was my junior high fantasy of what my best friend and I would do when we grew up and went to the ballgames) we still had fun and the Cards were winning anytime we were in out seats. When we left to get more food and Dustin to smoke, then the Millwaukee Brewers would score. We learned our lesson. But it was nice just to hang out with Dustin, even thought the SAT did creep up in the conversation as well as QAS. But Dustin is cool.
Lots of other stuff is happening with the start of school. The new principal seems honest and fair. There are quite a few more changes occurring than we thought, most for the good, so time will tell. Looking forward to Trivia Night at Bishop DuBourg with the SAT table. That should be a fun night. Right now lots of people think the SAT hangs in the balance of whether we will get to do a show nect summer or not. I hope we can. Of course, I hope to go back to Disneyland Paris also. Maybe in July? So we will see.


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